How Harvard Reference Manager works!

How the Reference Service works.

Hi! One of my most interesting and beneficial services I offer is my Reference Manager Service. In this guide I will walk you through what I can do for you, and what this knowledge means to you. So let’s dive right in.

  1. Get the reference!

Ok so in your work you have a statement you would like to add a reference to. Normally, you would manually find a reference to suit it and type it in manually and copy/edit/paste the Harvard reference into the Bibliography like thus:

That’s not so hard, but when it comes to completing the referencing in the bibliography you have a much more time-consuming process to go through:

"Porter, M. (1980). "The structural analysis of industries." Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors 3: 33."

You had to type it out manually, or find a journal which cites it, copy it (if it allows you to) and paste it and put it in order alphabetically. When I started my university course, it took me around 5-10 minutes since I was distracted by facebook!

  1. A better way

Wouldn’t it be great if you could somehow automate this process? Why spend hours on writing out 20 or 30 references when you could spend that time doing something more fun? (anything is more fun than referencing)

My service can save you time, gain you marks and greatly improve the presentability of your work. Let me show you how:

Ok, that was very quick. One click. Three clicks if you count downloading the reference into the software. And it took seconds!

So I bet you are wondering now how I did that, it’s really simple: I google the journal that I want, download it, and insert it into the text. I can even do this:

This is one of the best ways to get a First class essay. By loading up on references it shows how much reading and research you have done. If three authors have said the same thing, why not cite all of them properly? You are not put off by the number of references you need to manually input later so you input references much more freely.

            3. So how can I use the service?

Of course, I cannot give away my bread and butter and give away all of my secrets. Otherwise I won’t be able to eat! However I do want to enable you to achieve the best marks and referencing is a crucial part of a good essay.

In order for me to perform this service for you, I need to know which references you would like. So instead of downloading any references, you should copy the URL into the text like this:

This way, I can easily find the reference(s) you need, and I can neatly put the references in and create a polished bibliography for you.

If you have any more questions and would like a quote for your work, please give me a call on 07872623732!!

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